Sitex 2007
This time every year, I head down to Sitex with my dad to snap up some really good hardware deals (never mind that they are usually $2 or $3 cheaper than what you will get at sim lim), and to look at the latest technology. This year was no different. When Sitex came around, we went down to Sitex to have a look, and maybe pick up a bargain or two. I wanted to check out the prices of the new Ipod Nanos as well as a motherboard for my computer, both which are fried.
In the end, I was disappointed.
Very disappointed.
Unlike the years before, the show actually had some small companies from sim lim coming over to sell their wares. This year, it seems like the major players in the technology scene has decided to put their stuff out (economy doing well, maybe) and, like what they do best, stomp out the competition of the smaller businesses.
Harvey Norman has practically taken up half of one of the halls just selling its TVs and digital cameras. Samsung took up the other half selling their stuff. Where Razor set up shop has year at the corner of the expo hall, this year, it was replaced by logitech, selling only a few graphics card but plenty of their keyboards and the like. The only hardware I found was the kingston ram area where they were selling Laptop DDR2 rams for $30 for 1 gig.
Within 45 minutes, we were out of that place.
It was a stark contrast to the 2 hours I spent there last year, peering from stall to stall, just wondering around and watching the DOTA match-up invitationals.
Big companies are good, in a sense, since they help push the prices down for us consumers (You would think so...>_>). But, when shows like these comes around, is there really a need to show case all that cameras and phones? If I wanted one, I'll walk into Harvey Norman myself. Sitex 2007 is pretty much an absolute waste of time for me. I didn't get to see how the new graphics cards work, didn't get to look around for some cheap hardware for my computer. In the end, all I brought was a gaming controller for $30 which I shared half with my brother. My computer remains unfixed, and I am none wiser when it comes to Ipods.
And also, I realised something too.
The model girls, fabulously looking ladies (not in a perverted sort of way >_>) looked pretty... bland this year. Beauty comes from within, but it seems like the beauties of the exteriors have gone missing this year.
Or maybe, my perceptions have changed.
After all, many things did happen during the time I was not in Singapore. :)
To me, only one girl looks fabulous now.